Friday, August 22, 2014

Last days, last night, homeward bound!

It's a little surreal that this is the last night. It's more sentimental than I thought it would be. Cambridge was home for two months. Friends were family for two months. It's weird walking around and there being less people since they left already! Or people rushing around doing last minute things! Or people's families here coming to get them! It's weird. It hits you fast when everything is ending. I didn't know it would be this sad! I'm happy at the same time, though! I get to see my family, my friends, my boyfriend. :) I'm super excited for hugs! Cambridge has definitely left an imprint on me. I definitely plan to come back someday. I love the environment. It's so charming and beautiful. I'll miss walking around and window shopping and watching the sunsets. I'll miss going to the music room to play piano. I'll miss bumping into friends and having random conversations. I'll miss practicing for the talent show! I'll miss the cool, crisp evenings and the peace you get when overlooking the river. So peaceful. This trip has been a blessing. Blogging about it makes you realize how blessed you are. There were many times to reflect upon everything when you get a moment of quiet... whether by the river or even on bus rides. I won't lie, it got hard sometimes. But it has been a huge blessing. God provides. So many friends to encourage you. So many heartwarming people and heartfelt conversations. It's been great. :) You can learn a lot from the people you meet. Even when you don't feel like being sociable. You never know what sort of surprises are before you until you put yourself out there. On that note... thanks for reading my blog, guys. :) Can't wait to see everyone back at home. Live life! Love people! And be grateful! You never know what moment is your last. Might as well make the most of it. And love is the only thing that lasts. So start loving. :) The people who love are the ones you remember. <3 Thanks to God for a great trip. God bless y'all. xoxo. 

Sushi selfie with my fellow sushi lovers!

Me, Madi, and Cameron

Sophia and I visiting the Kettle House! A house turned into a visiting site. :)

Farewell Formal! 

Love these girls. Cynthia and Holly.

Annie! :)

Faith! :)

Jess! :)

Twins reunited shortly.... :) 


She's a blessing. :)

Gonna miss the sunsets. <3

Dinner by the river. Fish and chips. ;)

Farewell, Cambridge! Until next time...

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