Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Hey guys! My dad and I landed in London today. :) Everything went smoothly for the most part. Our flight was delayed since one of the passengers had a heart attack right as we were about to take off. :( We had to turn around so the ambulance could take him. Be praying for him. After about an hour we were on our way. The flight was about 10 hours. We landed around 4pm here (8am pacific time). Once we landed, we had to wait in line for 45 minutes for immigration. Then we got stamps in our passports! After, we found our luggage and the driver who would be taking us to our hotel. The cars drive on the opposite side of the road and the steering wheel is on the right side of the car. The license plates are different here (they're yellow)! Driving around, we got to see the architecture of some homes, hotels and city buildings. For the most part, it did not look different from the USA. But the houses did look quaint and charming. It took us awhile to get to our hotel due to traffic. Our driver said that there is always traffic in London, no matter what time of the day it is. We got to drive through the city -- it was so busy! Buses, traffic, people walking everywhere, cute little stores, coffee shops, restaurants, fashion... After settling into the hotel, I took a nap and after that, Dad and I took a little walk to McDonalds. It was almost midnight at this time. Not many stores were open but still there were a lot of people out and about. Tomorrow, Dad and I get to go on a tour and hopefully get to walk around to see all the stores. :) Hopefully we get used to the pedestrian rules around here. It looks confusing and we saw people almost get hit by a bus. :( It was scary. Anyway, it's about 1:30am here so Ima get some shut-eye! Goodnight. :) God bless.

Dad's first selfie, my first flight. :)


  1. First time flying!? How exciting! How was your first time up in the big metal bird!? :D

    1. It was good! Except for the angry man sitting behind me.. Other than that, good. :)
