Sunday, June 29, 2014

Made it to Cambridge!

Seriously, so beautiful here. Ima do a quick post because I need to sleep to get up for an early breakfast and welcome orientation! Just wanted to let y'all know that I made it. Dad's been a good sport about it all--helping me with the public transportation, carrying my luggage, keeping me safe and keeping company. He's great. :) He even did all that in the rain/cold when he forgot his jacket and umbrella! He's a good dad. We took the underground subway to the train, which took us to Cambridge. Took us about an hour... It was a pleasant ride. Then, we hopped on the bus, which took us to the city center. From there, we walked to King's College in Cambridge! After checking in and getting my welcome packet, we went across the street to buy Dad a jacket and umbrella. We walked the town a little bit, took some more photos, and said our goodbyes at the gate. Not gonna lie, I cried when he left. :') It was such a good week with him and I hate goodbyes. But, after that I met a lot of new people and mingled! It was fun. So many students from all over the world, many different colleges and majors. There's a lot of friendly people and everyone seems very excited to be here. Not long after, we had our welcome dinner in King's College Dining Hall. It was nice. :) Such a beautiful hall. Huge, too! Afterwards, a few other students and I walked the town! It started to rain a bit but it was bright outside until after 9pm. (It gets dark late here). That's pretty much it. :) I'm looking forward to breakfast and meeting more people! God bless.

Oh! And I'm really liking my room on campus. It's pretty sweet. :) Thank you, Grandma, for financially covering this trip! I am so grateful. Xoxo.